Last Update : 02 August, 2023 | Published : 24 July, 2023 | 1 min to read


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What can Kubviz help me with?

Visualize Kubernetes & DevSecOps Workflows. Tracks changes/events real-time across your entire K8s clusters, git repos, container registries, etc. , analyzing their effects and providing you with the context you need to troubleshoot efficiently. Get the Observability you need, easily.

Is Kubviz regularly maintained?

Kubviz is an open-source project that is actively maintained by the IntelOps team. The tool is currently in alpha state and will go in major breaking changes in near future.

How can I request a new feature?

If you would like to request a feature to be added to Kubviz, feel free to do so through any of the following channels:

Where can I see the upcoming features?

We will make a heavy use of GitHub issues. so if you think we should prioritize a certain feature over another, let your voice be heard by up-voting it, we really appreciate your input. Also, let us know if we are missing anything.

How can I stay in the loop with new releases?

Please check changelog. The best way to find out about the cool features and improvements we’ve shipped in the latest releases.

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