Last Update : 02 August, 2023 | Published : 24 July, 2023 | 2 min to read


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If you are willing to contribute to KubViz, kindly follow the guidelines here contributors. Thank you for your contribution!

Contributing to the docs

  • The best way to get started is by reading the Contributor Guidelines.

  • Afterwards, go ahead and fork the compage repository. Make any changes you want to your fork, and when you’re ready to send those changes to us, go to your fork and create a new pull request.

  • If it takes longer than expected to get feedback from the KubViz by IntelOps team, head over to the Discord Server and ping a IntelOps staff member either in the #general or #feedback channel, unless you are a member of the private contributor channel. You can always request access to this channel.

  • Once your pull request has been opened, it will be assigned to one or more reviewers. Those reviewers will do a thorough code review, looking for correctness, bugs, opportunities for improvement, documentation, comments, and style.

  • Make sure you include relevant updates or additions to documentation when creating or modifying features. Once you’ve received review and approval, your commits are squashed, and your PR is ready for merging.

  • Congrats you’re officially a KubViz contributor 🎊

If you’re in need of any assistance at any stage of your contributing journey please don’t hesitate to reach out to anybody in the #general or #feedback discord channels, also let us know if you want to be added to the private #contributors channel too.

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