Last Update : 13 May, 2023 | Published : 31 March, 2023 | 1 min to read


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By default, the Compage collects some anonymous usage data. There are two types of data we collect:

  • Usage: features usage, we use this data to understand which providers are being used and how much, which helps guide our roadmap and development efforts.
  • Errors: stack traces sent whenever a panic occurs in the core component. Having this data allows us to be notified when there is a bug that needs to be prioritized.

We will never:

  • Identify or track users.
  • Collect personal information such as IP addresses, email addresses, or website URLs.
  • Store data about your cloud resources or credentials .

Why collect telemetry data?

We collect telemetry data for only two reasons:

  • In order to create a better product, we need reliable quantitative information. The data we collect helps us fix bugs, evaluate the success of features, and better understand our users’ needs.

  • We also need to prove that people are actually using Compage.

How to disable data collection

Data collection can be disabled at any time by setting a key in values.yaml, then re-installing the Compage instance.

    telemetry: false

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